Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity, by David Bessis

Amazon link I wish I could remember who linked to David Bessis’s Twitter thread explaining that we teach math wrong, as that thread and this one on why math talent isn’t primarily driven by genetics convinced me to buy his book, which was a delight to read. Bessis believes that the way we talk about […]

The Unaccountability Machine, by Dan Davies

Amazon link I read an online excerpt of this book and was immediately intrigued by the idea of an “accountability sink”, which is a mechanism by which “The communication between the decision-maker and the decided-upon has been broken – they have created a handy sink into which negative feedback can be poured without any danger […]

Becoming artists in a post-AI world

I have had a couple conversations about AI this week where my perspective was surprising to others, so I wanted to more broadly share my thoughts to seed more possibilities about the future impact of AI. A few articles that prompted these conversations: (Aside: In originally editing this post, I realized the articles below are […]

Creating Collective Intelligence

Several years ago, Google ran a study to determine what made teams effective, and later published the results, including sharing a summary in a New York Times article. While one might think that an effective team depends on having the most capable individuals, Google’s researchers discovered that the members of the team mattered far less […]