Recipe for a good conversation

I was at a dinner party last night and had a great time. It was a good mix of people, with good conversation ranging over a variety of topics. Afterwards, my friend and I were discussing what made for a good conversation. I’ve pondered this before, because I really like good conversations, and I previously […]

Enlightened Selfishness

Picking up on yesterday’s anarchy post, I was thinking about what it takes for anarchy (or even capitalism) to work as a society. I was talking with some other friends last week about the concept of enlightened selfishness, and I think that is one of the keys. What do I mean by enlightened selfishness? It’s […]

Anarchy is Progress!

A friend of mine pointed me at this email, where a reader of Gizmodo criticizes them for having the temerity to insult the Queen of England. In particular, he says: Some institutions in the world, like the church, must stay intact or it causes a breakdown in civilization. There must be a counterbalance that allows […]

Ultimate photo

I was checking the website of the league I play in today, and noticed a link to some pictures a photographer had taken of some league games. Intrigued, I went and glanced through them, and sure enough, there are a couple of me. Check out these action shots, one of me having been beat on […]

Cubicle Zen

A little while ago, a friend of mine was complaining over IM about their stupid coworkers. In a moment of levity, I replied “Welcome to the world, young grasshopper. You must bend with the stupidity as the reeds bend with the wind. Stupidity is an unstoppable force – it can only be diverted, not ignored […]

Silent but still kicking

So I last posted a week ago Saturday. Sunday afternoon was another concert, Monday evening was ultimate, Tuesday was a much-needed night off, Wednesday through Saturday evenings were concerts. Through all of this, I was telling myself, “I just need to make it through Saturday and everything will be fine.” My body apparently took me […]

Identification and context

I just had an amusing incident. I was on BART on my way to work, and was lounging in a seat reading my Economist with my music playing. Somebody taps my leg as they’re walking by. I look up, see a guy smiling at me, and I know I recognize him, but I have no […]

Mental models as tools

After the disjointedness of my last post, it’s probably worth going to check out the comments, because I think I clarified some of what I was thinking with the help of my commenters. What I want to talk about today is how we use classification systems, and more broadly, mental models. Let’s start with the […]