Be a Revolution, by Ijeoma Oluo

Amazon link This book, a follow-up from the author of So You Want To Talk About Race, is exactly what the subtitle describes: “How Everyday People Are Fighting Oppression and Changing the World – and How You Can, Too”. While the book was well-written and easy to read, Oluo challenged me with stories that showed […]

The New Psychology of Leadership, by Haslam, Reicher and Platow

Amazon link Reading this book articulated concepts that changed how I view and talk about leadership. The authors start the book by debunking several conventional theories of leadership (e.g. the “Great Man” theory where it’s about the leader’s innate qualities, or a transactional or power approach where people follow leaders in exchange for something) and […]

What to do now?

[n.b. I can’t continue with my usual personal development content without acknowledging the seismic shifts taking place in the country where I live. While I don’t think this post will make a difference, I refuse to stay silent. But if you don’t want to read about US politics, skip this one.] We knew it was […]

So You Want to Talk About Race, by Ijeoma Oluo

Amazon link I was recently reminded of this book, and decided to read it during Black History Month. It’s a good introduction for those that want to educate themselves on racism in America. The book shares Oluo’s perspective on intersectionality, police brutality, affirmative action, microaggressions, cultural appropriation, and the school-to-prison pipeline. I particularly liked her […]


A friend recently mentioned the concept of de-capitalization, which seems to be the idea of moving away from capitalism and the “market” as the only way to measure value. This really resonated with me, as a big part of my own recent journey has been to move away from that worldview. When I was deciding […]

What will you do?

Government of the people, by the people, for the people Those ringing words from Abraham Lincoln are inspiring me today. Things seems especially hopeless to me right now, with contributing factors including: The lack of justice in the Breonna Taylor case, where damaging the neighbor’s walls was considered to be a more serious crime than […]