Tracing social connections

So far, my thoughts on applications for the ideas from Reassembling the Social have included management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. One more post on this subject, and then I think I’ll be ready on to move on to a new topic. The last topic is that of explicitly social connections, of friends. Friendship is a tricky […]

Communities of identity

I was talking with a friend over the weekend about his workplace, and he mentioned that one of his coworkers was from MIT, and I asked where they had lived at MIT. He told me which dorm, I said “Oh, so they’re like this!”, and he said “Yup!” We both found it extremely amusing that […]

Multiple social identities

Follow-up thoughts on identity inspired by Jofish’s comment that we each have a spectrum of identities ranging from multiple personal identities to multiple public personas, and an Economist review (subscriber-only unfortunately) of Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny, by Amartya Sen (see the P.S. for a relevant quote from the review). I should have […]

Identity Construction

I finally got around to reading Jofish’s CHI paper on archives a couple days ago, and an observation that really struck me was that one of the goals of archiving is identity construction. In other words, they observed that some people collected books and papers not to read them or use them, but merely to […]

Self branding

I was walking down the street on my way back to the hotel this evening, and saw a guy wearing a Cubs t-shirt. I instantly felt a bit of kinship with him. I’ve commented on the way sports provides an instant community before, but it was a little bit bizarre, honestly. Maybe it was because […]

Politics of Nature part 2

Continuing yesterday’s summary of Politics of Nature, by Bruno Latour. Today’s subject: Latour’s proposal for a “Constitution” on how we construct reality in a democratic fashion via due process, one that cuts across science and politics and multiculturalists and facts and values. I’m going to sketch out the process first, and then go back and […]

Instant Community and Values

In a slight departure from my rants about organizations and responsibility and harshness, I’m going to go off on a digression here for this post, one brought on by a thought I had while writing up my experience at Greg Maddux’s 300 wins. I was wondering why I cared. I mean, this multimillionaire did his […]


I was reading an article by Phil Agre today, and was struck by a thought that I wanted to develop a little bit more. So I’m writing about it. One of the things I like about Agre’s work is that he is not a technological determinist; he believes that the use of technology is dependent […]