Restoration in progress

In case you hadn’t noticed, the server where is hosted had a catastrophic meltdown a few months ago, and my hosting provider (Textdrive) was not able to recover files or backups. This is sad, because I’d last backed up my blog in 2009, so I’m going to be using the Wayback Machine to try to at least get some of the posts back, if not the comments.

But at least I still have the content back from when I was posting more regularly (once or twice a week) vs. the last four years when it’s been more like once a month (~40-50 posts lost).

I’m still annoyed at myself for not having kept my backups current and putting too much trust in my provider. Textdrive did terribly, and then didn’t have the courage to respond to any of my repeated status requests. Learning lesson. I should look into another hosting provider – after spending the few hours to get myself up and running on the textdrive blank slate server, transferring wouldn’t be that bad. Recommendations welcome.

Then maybe once I’ve done all that recovery, I can start posting again about the new thoughts I’m having.

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