The Internet as a Global Brain

This is a pretty minor observation, but while reading Gonzo Marketing on BART this morning, my brain cross-pollinated some of Christopher Locke’s ideas on micromarkets with the ideas of Global Brain, and realized that the World Wide Web maps very well to Howard Bloom’s conception of a Global Brain. Let’s review the elements that Bloom […]

Whither social software

There’s a new group blog out there, started by Stowe Boyd, devoted to figuring out the Operating Manual for Social Tools. Since I’m always interested in this stuff, I’m going to be following along closely to see what ideas they have. danah boyd asks a really good set of questions in one of her first […]

Social networks and rejection

I wanted to follow up on my recent post with more thoughts about social networks. I was thinking about the networks I’m part of, and how they interact, and realized that a component that is often missing from social software is the requirement for rejection. Nobody ever turns down a friend request in Orkut. But […]

Esther Dyson on LinkedIn

After reading danah boyd’s post about autistic social software a couple weeks ago, it was interesting to read this CNET commentary by Esther Dyson on LinkedIn, discussing several of the same issues. Since Dyson is one of the high-powered elite of the computer world, she is looking for a tool to help her manage her […]