Startup vs. big company culture

Since Larry Page became Google’s CEO again in April, his focus has been on “making a company of more than 24,000 employees act like a startup“. And because of my interest in mapping out organizational space and understanding the different ways in which people can organize themselves, I’ve been trying to figure out what, exactly, […]

Understanders vs. Fixers

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about what we thrived on in a job, and it was interesting to see how our perspectives differed. She talked about the thrill of fixing a problem, of figuring out what was happening, and designing a process or system to solve the problem forever. […]

The value of finance teams

When I was considering whether to take a job in Google’s finance department, a successful entrepreneur friend of mine told me I was making a mistake. He felt that designers and engineers added value to the world by creating new products, but the only thing finance people did was to say no. Given the pride […]

Call your shot

Babe Ruth pointing to the stands, and then hitting a home run. Joe Namath guaranteeing a Super Bowl victory despite being an 18-point underdog, and then going out and winning it. There’s something magical about calling your shot – telling people you’re going to do something impressive and then doing it. Even in the workplace, […]