I started this blog to review books that I had read, but have been woefully delinquent in writing book reviews since August of 2008. But I have kept a draft post with the books I’ve read, so in the spirit of starting the blog back up (again), here’s the roundup. This post will be of […]
Category: fiction
Fiction Roundup August 2008
Wow. I haven’t posted any fiction reviews in the past year. Then again, I haven’t been reading much new fiction in the past year – mostly I’ve been re-reading comfort books or watching TV instead of fiction reading. Anyway, I was going through my bookshelves, and figured I should do at least a capsule review […]
Fiction Roundup May 2007
It looks like I haven’t done a fiction review for most of the past year, so this will be a chance to collect everything I’ve read but wouldn’t admit to reading when I was supposed to be studying 🙂 Intuition, by Allegra Goodman This sounded interesting after reading the Economist review, so I picked it […]
The Futurist, by James P. Othmer
I stopped by the library on Monday evening since I happened to be walking by, and walked out with four books. One of the books I picked up solely because of its title: The Futurist, by James P. Othmer. It’s smart and sassy with trenchant commentary on the modern world. Here’s the protagonist’s description of […]
Sci-fi roundup
Lots of book reviews to catch up on, so I’m going to do capsule reviews until I’m caught up. Balance of Trade, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller I really like the Liaden universe books, but hadn’t gotten around to reading the new books in the universe. When I saw this one in the library, […]
The Rhythm Section, by Mark Burnell
Amazon link After reading the Economist’s recommendation, I’d been keeping my eye open for works by Mark Burnell, thinking that his books about “a proficient, imaginative, world-class assassin” would be interesting. I finally saw The Rhythm Section in a used book store a few weeks ago and picked it up. It was kind of disappointing. […]
A Feast for Crows, by George R.R. Martin
Amazon link I’ve been a big fan of George R.R. Martin since I was introduced to the Wild Cards books in high school. I’ve been buying the Song of Ice and Fire books in hardcover because I want to read them right away, which is stupid, because the elapsed time in between book releases is […]
More books by Shinn and Gould
Jovah’s Angel, and Angelica, by Sharon Shinn Two more books in the world of Archangel. I like the world, and its exploration of questions of faith and science (and particularly the question of whether a world designed for faith is sustainable), but the plots started to run together, always being about an angel man and […]
Reflex, by Steven Gould
Amazon link I saw this in the library in the new sci-fi section, and it looked interesting, so I picked it up. It’s the sequel to a book called Jumper, which I’ve never read, but I may go try to look up now. The premise is that the protagonist has developed the ability to teleport. […]
Book mini-reviews
Archangel, by Sharon Shinn I saw this in the library and I had remembered that Beemer had once recommended it to me, so I picked it up. I liked it. Interesting world, and characters that I sympathized with. Not particularly deep, and not a book that I’m likely to rush out and buy for myself, […]