I’ve been meaning to post, but can’t quite put together anything coherent right now.
Things are hopping at work as we beta test the new release of our software, so that’s been keeping me busy. Speaking of work, if you want to see where I spend all day, stop by the Fog Creek Open House tomorrow (Thursday, July 19th) from 5-7pm.
Summer in New York also has too many events to attend:
- Last Friday was the House Jacks at the Bitter End.
- Last night was the Philharmonic concert in Central Park.
- This Friday there’s not one, but two, likeminds: the normal morning one, and a special anniversary evening one.
- Saturday is the Village Voice Siren Music Festival at Coney Island, which I may skip in favor of going to MOMA to see the Richard Serra exhibit with friends instead.
- I may not make it to the Brooklyn Philharmonic Vivaldi/Piazzolla concerts next week either, despite really liking the work of Piazzolla, the Argentine tango master.
- Next week is also the first street mining expedition, which looks like fun.
And that’s not even counting the other museums I want to get to. Or musicals or plays I’ve been meaning to see. Or the stack of books I have piled up. Or movies I want to see. Or blog posts I want to write. Or experimenting with “social physics”. Or or or…
I’ve got only a month and a half before classes start up again! Where did the summer go?!
If anybody out there is interested in joining me on one of these adventures (or just wants to have coffee and talk about life), drop me a line.