Most of my readers will have heard of Nunberg, a Stanford linguistics professor who’s a regular contributor to Fresh Air and the New York Times Week in Review. This book is a collection of pieces from those venues, where he muses amusingly about quirks in our language for a few minutes at a time. I mentioned hearing about it at work, and was able to borrow it from a coworker. Nothing too spectacular. It’s diverting, and that’s about it. That being said, it’s a great bedside book. Lots of essays in three or four page chunks, where you can read one or two before falling asleep, with no temptation to stay up to find out what happens next. But I returned it to my coworker today, and have no desire to buy it for myself.

Check out my book, You Have A Choice on Amazon!
About me: I'm an unrepentant generalist finding my way in a world of specialists. I started this blog to review books, but I later expanded to write on whatever interested me across a range of topics.
I work as an executive coach, helping leaders become more effective by creating clarity and acting with focus. You can learn more about my coaching at Too Many Trees, or by checking out what I share on LinkedIn around leadership and personal development.
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