Things I’ve been doing in New York:
- A week ago Tuesday, I went to Giant Tuesday Night of Amazing Inventions and Also There Is A Game, a sketch comedy night in the East Village which was really silly but fun. I think the bit I most enjoyed was the Vampire Orientation Seminar, with the five-step process to becoming a vampire (1. No! 2. Oh god, no! 3. Sweet Lord, why?! 4. GWAAAAGHHH! 5. I’m thirsty but in a weird way), a FAQ-ula, and famous vampires in history (including Count Chocula, Scott Back-ula and Shaq-ula).
- This evening, some of us went to go see the New York Classical Theatre production of Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well in Central Park. It’s a free show, where they move the audience around the park between different scenes. Very fun, and well done considering the limitations (I especially liked the use of MagLites as spotlights as things got darker). I highly recommend it, and I’ll definitely be going to check out A Comedy of Errors in August.
- Afterwards, we went to Vynl, which was probably too hip for me to enter. Fun place, though. I especially liked the themed bathrooms (I used the Elvis bathroom, complete with Elvis mosaic, Elvis action figure, and “A Little Less Conversation” playing over the speakers) and the light fixtures (D’oh, I should have taken a picture of the fixture!). Definitely a place I’d return to.
- I also finally made it back to MOMA a couple weeks ago, and got a membership this time, so I should be going there more often. Like last year, the architecture still wows me.
- Oh, and last weekend I headed up to Boston and took the Acela for kicks. It was a nice, smooth ride – very relaxing. I’ll probably try the Fung Wah bus next time just to see what the cheap way is like.
That’s it for New York experiences for now. I am sure there will be others in the future. I’ll keep on exploring.